What is CTR in Google Adsense?

In the world of Internet marketing, CTR matters a lot to Advertisers as well as to Publishers. Advertisers' role is to create ad graphics or sales line, which should get more CTR, and publishers' role is to place the ad in such a way, which increases the CTR.

I have been seeing people asking about this question in many forums so this post will be helpful for many of my readers who are not aware of what is Click-through rate?

From a Blogger/Publisher point of view, CTR is one of those factors that play an important role in generating money and retaining the advertisers. If you fail to give enough click, your advertisers will run away. So, let’s dive into the world of CTR and understand what it is.

What is CTR?

CTR stands for Click-Through rate. In simple words, it means the number of times an advertisement is clicked divided by the number of times advertisement, ad unit, or the page containing an advertisement is viewed.

It is the percentage of No of clicks on advertisement and number of page views.

  • CTR = Number of clicks / Number of exposures.

  • CTR% = Number of clicks * 100 / # of exposures

So in simple words, if you have an ad running and it’s seen by 100 people but got only 5 clicks, your CTR is 5%. The point to be noted here is that the higher the percentage of CTR, the better advertisement you will get. So it’s advisable to place advertisements only at the places which are viewable and can be clicked easily.

Now, One of the most common questions is What is Good CTR or  I’m getting enough click on my Adsense but my revenue is very low.

Let me cut out the myth about Adsense CTR here, getting too many clicks on Adsense ads will never guarantee good income, the key here is to target ads which give good PPC (Pay Per Click). On such ads, even a few clicks will yield more money than 100 clicks.

How much CTR is good for AdSense?

Before I start explaining that How much CTR is good for Adsense. It is necessary that we should know first what is CTR ? and why it is important for marketing?

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

CTR is the ratio of the number of clicks on an advertisement to the number of times that page containing the advertisement is viewed. So from here, we will derive its relation. CTR can be defined as click rate which equals the number of times a click is made on the advertisement divided by the total impressions

What is a good CTR?

In my opinion, CTR for a good AdSense will be around 3-6%. For ads well placed on the 1st screen, CTR can get even be higher. On average bloggers get 1%-2% CTR. For YouTube, you may get an average of 3-6% CTR.


Does high CTR is good?

No, a CTR value of more than 10% is not good because sometimes some hackers target home pages advertisement to take down your ad-sense account. You might be thinking why they are doing this? Do they get any benefit from my Adsense account? No, they are not getting any benefit but they want to take down your profit actually they want to attack your website and they failed so they are attacking your ad-sense account. If your website Adsense gets attacked in that case your CTR value will be more than 10%. They basically create bots to target your home page advertisement. If you ever see your CTR value going more than 10% then remove ads from the home page or else you might lose your ad-sense account. Now I hope that you have come to know how much CTR is good for AdSense.

I hope you are able to judge how much CTR is good for AdSense. This was my search for CTR comment and CTR value. If you have a different opinion or comments then do let me know. We appreciate your feedback.

I will be coming up with more topics on Google Adsense to make your AdSense experience better. If you don’t want to miss any of it subscribe to irfanhossen feeds.

Hi, This is IrfanH I love to travel and passing by gossip with friends.

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