Do You Suffer From Stomach Ulcer? Cauliflower, Yoghurt And More Foods To Help You!


Stomach ulcers are sores, which are explained to be excruciating - that line the stomach of an individual. The ulcers that are formed in the stomach are called peptic ulcers and those formed in the intestine, especially in the duodenum, is called duodenal ulcers.

Ulcers in the stomach and small intestine are formed because of the reduction of the thick layer of mucous that lies right above the stomach. However, because the layer of mucus is really thin, the acidic digestive juices eat away the tissues that protect the stomach, causing ulcers [1]. Studies reveal that Helicobacter pylori, a bacterial infection, is suggested to be the main cause of stomach ulcers [2].

So, while you are suffering from stomach ulcer, besides medication, there are certain foods that you must eat and some which you should avoid. But first things first, food choices don't cause ulcers but may make them worse. Although there is no proper diet that anyone suffering from an ulcer can stick to, avoiding some foods can be beneficial for your health.

Let's take a glance at the foods that you should be eating if you suffer from stomach ulcer, in addition to consuming acid-blocking medicines and antibiotics and how they can be beneficial for your health.

1. Cauliflower Cauliflower, a commonly available vegetable in the market, contains sulforaphane that helps in fighting with the H. pylori bacteria [3]. This compound present in cauliflower can destroy the bacteria in the digestive tract. Besides warding off stomach ulcer, cauliflower is also a source of vitamin C and fibre. You can have it boiled in your salad or cook it in desi style.

2. Cabbage S-methyl methionine, also known as Vitamin U, present in cabbage can help heal a stomach ulcer by alkalising the body and balancing the pH levels [4]. Besides, cabbage also contains amino acid glutamine, which is beneficial in treating an ulcer. The presence of this substance aids in the healing of open pores by strengthening the mucosal lining of the gut. You can have it raw or in your salad, at least two cups daily.

3. Radish Radish contains fibre that aids in digestion and absorbs zinc and other minerals. Consider eating white radish every day to eradicate the causes of inflammation of the stomach lining, difficulty indigestion, and gastric problems [5]. 4. Apple Consider eating an apple every day and lessen the chances of getting affected by a stomach ulcer. Also, apples contain flavonoids that inhibit the growth of H. pylori [6]. 5. Blueberry Eating blueberries early in the morning can help in managing stomach ulcer. They are a rich source of antioxidants and nutrients and can help in improving your immune system and speed up the recovery from an ulcer [7]. Eat 1/2 cup of blueberry every day with cereals or for afternoon snacks.

6. Strawberry Strawberries can act as a protective shield against stomach ulcer as the berry is rich in antioxidants that protect the body from an ulcer [8]. Besides, it also aids in strengthening the stomach lining. Eat 1 cup of strawberry every day with cereals or for afternoon snacks. 7. Carrot Carrots can be extremely beneficial in strengthening the stomach lining. The presence of Vitamin A in carrots helps in warding off stomach ulcer, gastric inflammation or indigestion. Have it boiled in your vegetable soup or eat it raw as a salad. You can even drink a glass of carrot juice every day [9]. 8. Broccoli Studies point out that broccoli contains a certain chemical that can eliminate the bacteria which cause stomach ulcer. It is the sulforaphane in broccoli that aids in the process [10]. You can add boiled broccoli to salads or stir fry the green vegetable and enjoy the benefits.


Hi, This is IrfanH I love to travel and passing by gossip with friends.

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